

I’ve made a little php class for messing round with words, you can see a demo of some of the functions here: Wordplay Demo πŸ”—.

You can download the class here: jedidiah.eu/wordplay.zip πŸ”—

I’m a designer not a programmer so I make no guaranties about the efficiency of the code, and if you have any suggestions or improvements please let me know.

I’m setting this code free under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License πŸ”—.

⚠️ This entry is copied over from a much older version of my site and will probably contain broken images or links. I'm working on hunting down the missing resources, but for now some things might be missing.

If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback about this post please do send them to me. Mention the title of the post or include a link so I know what you're talking in relation to.