Inspired by Jamie McHale I thought I would add a page listing things that I use.
Operating System
I love both Linux and MacOS and happily move between them. As my distro I'm currently using and enjoying Pop_Os!. I like to switch it up but tend to stick most with Debian based systems.
I don't feel very at home on Windows but as I build multi-platform software most days I use all three.
Micro for quick lightweight editing.
For heavier editing I use Vscodium for the consistency across platforms and occasionally Xcode or Android Studio for platform specific apps.

On Linux I use Alacritty, on Mac I use iTerm2
For my shell I use ZSH with Starship as the prompt.
Keyboard & Mouse

I use an Ergodox EZ keyboard and a Logitech LIFT vertical mouse when I'm at my desk.
My favourite camera for birds is the Nikon P1000. My more general use camera is the Sony A6500. My favourite lens to use on it is an old vintage Chinon 50mm f1.8 lens.
I got a pair of Bose QC35 in 2017 and since then I have quite probably spent more time wearing them than not.
- Game Engine: Godot
- 3D: Blender
- Video: DaVinci Resolve
- Audio: Audacity
- Graphics: Affinity Suite